Hi, I’m Rachel, founder of Wave to Wellness, author of ‘Riding the Waves of Anxiety’ & a holistic wellness coach

Anxiety has been a steadfast companion in my life for over two decades. It sparked my journey into wellness, propelling me to explore a myriad of modalities in a quest for understanding and healing. Through the twists and turns, I’ve not only made peace with anxiety but learned to harness its lessons for personal growth. This ongoing journey has been my laboratory of self-discovery, where the intricate dance of mind, body, and soul unfolded. Today, I stand not only as an advocate for mental health but as a guide, eager to share the tools and insights that have transformed my life. Wave to Wellness is a manifestation of this journey—a space where healing is not just a destination but a shared adventure

Our Mission

At Wave to Wellness, our mission is to create a haven for well-being—a sanctuary where individuals can navigate the ebbs and flows of life with grace and resilience. We are dedicated to providing accessible and empowering resources, fostering a supportive community, and guiding individuals on their unique journeys toward mental and emotional flourishing. Our commitment is rooted in the belief that well-being is a holistic pursuit, and through education, community, and personalised support, we strive to empower each person to lead a life of balance, joy, and fulfillment.

my Journey

I understand the suffocating grip of anxiety all too well, having faced the relentless challenge of medical anxiety triggered by the aftermath of a tumultuous relationship. Countless panic attacks became the unwelcome soundtrack to my days, sending me on a desperate quest for relief.

In the search for answers, I sought help from numerous practitioners, each offering a piece of the puzzle. Yet, it was the realisation that true healing lay in my own hands that marked a turning point. Armed with determination, I curated my own holistic healing toolbox—rooted in science and backed by a profound understanding of the work required.

My journey into wellness reached a crucial juncture with the revelation of an anxious attachment style during a recent relationship. The recognition of this pattern contributed to the relationship’s end, igniting a fresh chapter of self-discovery and growth.

Life has woven a tapestry of traumas, each leaving its mark on my mental landscape. Yet, with unwavering resilience, I’ve not only confronted but conquered these anxiety-driven mindsets. From this journey, I’ve constructed a comprehensive healing module—a testament to the belief that understanding the work is the key to unlocking peace.

My passion lies in sharing this narrative, not only as a story of personal triumph but as a beacon for those navigating their own struggles. At Wave to Wellness, my commitment is to guide you on your unique journey, offering insights and practical tools to not only manage anxiety but to foster mental wellness in its entirety


Founder and Guide
Rachel, the founder of Wave to Wellness, has been on a dedicated journey in the wellness space for over 15 years.

Personal Experience
With a personal history of managing anxiety for more than two decades, Rachel brings an empathetic understanding to the challenges many individuals face.

Multi-Modal Expertise
As a seasoned practitioner, Rachel has delved into various wellness modalities, accumulating a wealth of knowledge in areas such as Reiki (Level 2), meditation instruction, and chakra alignment.

Rachel holds certifications, including a completion in self-intelligence courses, highlighting her commitment to continuous learning and personal development.

Rachel is the author of the ebook “Riding the waves of Anxiety,” providing valuable insights into managing anxiety.

Practical Wisdom
Drawing from a diverse range of experiences and learnings, Rachel shares practical wisdom to guide others on their unique paths to well-being.

Passionate Advocate
Beyond credentials, Rachel is a passionate advocate for mental health, committed to creating a space that goes beyond education—a place of support, understanding, and empowerment.